Sunday Telegraph "The leaves were exceptionally good".
Anneka Rice on Radio 2 - "Almost too beautiful to eat"

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Nasturtium Pesto.

Nasturtium Pesto.

We make a whole host of different pestos at different times of the year here and use them with everything from pasta, new potatoes, on canapés, swirled on soup or simply smeared on a hunk on bread.

This particular nasturtium pesto is lovely using either just leaves, leaves and flowers or just the flowers. Here we’ve used red pesto flowers with charcoal biscuits and goat cheese as a canapé.

Nasturtium Flower Pesto


100 grms of pine nuts (or walnuts or almonds or any nuts that take your fancy)

100grms of good quality parmesan cheese – grated (the best you can get but not pre grated)

200 mlx of light olive oil

2 large handfuls of either nasturtium leaves or flowers or a mixture of both depending upon what colour you’d like your pesto. You can also mix in watercress, rocket, basil or any other scrummy greens.

If you are not adding wild garlic then add a couple of cloves of garlic.

Pinch of sea salt and black pepper to season.

Roughly chop the green by hand until they are quite fine. Grate the parmesan and blitz with the remaining ingredients before thinning with the olive oil.

It it tastes a little claggy (technical term there!) the just add a hint of lemon juice or white wine vinegar to thin.

Nasturtium Pesto



The nasturtium pesto went down very well with a hunk of nasturtium bread when The One Show came to film.

The One Show at www.maddocksfarmorganics. DSCF3692


Nasturtium Pesto.

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